26 March 2007

Two new flags

Sorry for the lack of client-side updates this week. We've been busy at work on the server (and on other non-yaplet stuff). Some of the work there was just much-needed code-design overhauls to make it easier to add more features in the future, and some of the work there is on some neat new features I hope we can roll out relatively soon.

But, two flag requests from our friends at NuklearPower.com made it in.
  1. yapletlogo=[url-to-image]& to change the image behind the yaplet link in the upper left.
  2. title=[title-text]& to change the "Welcome to [title-text]" message that shows up in the start.

19 March 2007

Bug fixes and updates

A quick patch for the bug that was causing embedded yaplet to crash on IE7 has been sent out.

A few updates made their way out with the patch:
  1. horizontal=1& lets you put display the chat horizontally instead of vertically.
  2. /u - toggles the user list. (Great for use in combination with /r.)
  3. /a - toggles experimental support for returned/left notification.

18 March 2007

06 CD-TP4's embedded yaplet

Here is a seemlessly integrated embedded yaplet on a forum called 06 CD-TP4.

Chaplan's sofotec skin

It looks like Chaplan is the first user to create a css theme for yaplet at sofotec!

16 March 2007

Client overhaul

The guts of the client just got a major overhaul. We tried as hard as possible to assign the right id and class names to all of the elements on the page so that you can change pretty much everything (images included) by modifying the CSS file.

If you'd like to see an example, try this example theme. The source code for this .css is here. And, the master .css file is here. There's a lot left to do on the CSS, but it's a start.

Other updates:
  1. Another attempted fix for the echo bug.
  2. New icon-based user list.
  3. Start of smiley support for IE6.
  4. Added bg=[color]& parameter.
  5. Added width=[pixels|percentage]& parameter.
  6. Added greet=[url-encoded-default-greeting]& parameter.
  7. Masquerade support for swearing. (antiswear=[0|1|2]& now available.)
  8. Added /npc [npc-name] [message] command. ([message] can be a /me, too)
  9. Added /dice [sides] command.
  10. Added /r command. (Opens userlist with last person to private you selected.)
  11. Added /r [message] command. (Reply directly to last person to private you.)
  12. Changed admin marker from † to `A'.
  13. Added a forum to the main page. (Thanks Adam.)
  14. Bottom bar auto-resizes to fit width.
There were a bunch of bug fixes too.

The sticky board with feature requests is still full. Stay tuned.

15 March 2007

The world headquarters are complete!

Today we received the item most important / necessary for world domination.

Yes, you guessed it: the StarTrek table.
(Try not to be too jealous.)

Pictured with the StarTrek table in front of one of the yaplet sticky-note walls, is Matt.

12 March 2007

Client and server updates

New goodies:
  1. /me now works. (So you can talk about yourself in the 3rd person.)
  2. Title bar flashes with new messages.
  3. Echo bug should be fixed. (Let us know if you still get an echo of your own messages.)
  4. Opera is now a supported browser. (The window should resize properly.)
  5. You can use smilies as avatars in your name.
  6. Moderators are super-scripted with a dagger: †
  7. Moderators can log out of moderator mode now.
  8. go.yaplet.com accepts display=[url]& and channel=[url]& so you can manually set what gets the left frame, and which page is being talked about in the right frame.
There were lots of server-side updates too, but those are less interesting. ;)