08 March 2007

Hi mom, we're on TV

Due to interest from media organizations that wanted to use yaplet during a live airing, I slapped a moderated-chat system into yaplet yesterday. Now moderators have the ability to put the channel into comment-review mode. In this mode, new comments are shown only to moderators with a red background. Each comment has two options: APPROVE or VOICE. Clicking APPROVE lets the comment become publicly displayed. Clicking VOICE allows that user to speak freely from that point forward (without moderator review).

The trial run of this on WUSA9's site during their nightly newscast went incredibly well, and it gave us a good stress test of the new httpd's load-handling capacity. The new httpd handled beautifully, never using more than 1% of a single CPU even at the peak usage of 100 simultaneous chatters on the same channel. (The previous apache+php+mysql combo exploded in flames at 150 simultaneous users in one channel.) The max-per-channel capacity is important, because each channel is assigned to a single server.

Several new link options have been added, with more on the way:

antiflood=0& turns off flood protection for your channel.

userlist=1& pops up the user list when the chat opens.

sound=[url-to-mp3]& changes the notification sound.

Also, moderators can now clear the bans on a channel to let people back in.


Unknown said...
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WadeH said...

Awesome news! Especially about the per-channel capacity. I was wondering what the limits were. I look forward to trying out the new features. Thanks for the update!